February 20, 2023

How to get the best out of leading digital travel enhancements without compromising anything.


We understand how selecting the appropriate digital tools for your business can be a tough decision, but… what if we told you that you don’t really have to choose?    What if we told you that you could have your cake and eat it too!


How?   Read on to discover what Anthea Myburgh did during her time as a safari tour operator, and how this gave her an edge with competitors, by embracing ‘the best of both’, which also saved her time and increased conversions.

Here is how she did this…


Wetu for first contact quote


On first contact and quote with a new client, she used the easy set up that Wetu has for creating the quote within a few minutes, that brought to life the holiday.   A follow up call was easy to engage the client and take them on holiday through working interactively with the digital link.   And of course, get them excited to ‘feel’ their holiday – and book!


Vamoos app for confirmed bookings


Then once they were ready to commit, the itinerary experience would migrate over to Vamoos where I would include all their information docs, as well as add in more personalised touches like the POI (Points of Interest), links to any podcasts and setting reminders for flight check-ins etc.    This also ‘gave’ them something in-hand for their deposit that was a lot classier than a piece of paper with an itinerary to show, for their investment.


Read now: How Imagine Travel Saves Time And Money With Vamoos


Smooth transition for client


The transition from Wetu over to Vamoos, is effortless and from a customer point of view, they had already had a taste of their holiday in a website format.  So, taking the next step to book and then receiving a fully integrative Vamoos Travel app where their holiday comes alive always added an extra ‘wow’ factor.   And everybody just LOVES the holiday count down feature!


How other tour operators do this


Curious to hear how other tour operators work with the two together, we also  chatted with Daphne Wijnveldt, from Fleewinter, and she also shared how working with both Wetu and Vamoos makes her life easier.   She too uses Wetu for the first point of contact with a new client as she finds this quick and easy to put together a professional looking quote within a few minutes.


She finds this particularly useful during the initial qualifying phase where you are unsure if a client is serious or just shopping.   In the past she would spend hours making a quoted itinerary look good without a guarantee of the booking.  


Now she says that it’s become super easy to look good in a few minutes and she has seen an increase in her overall conversions since doing this.   Plus, she can use her time more efficiently by putting focus where her business needs her the most.


Read now: Infinite Safaris Customers Love To Vamoos!


Vamoos connecting you and your client


Daphne also shared that she loves Vamoos for its ability to put a clients’ holiday in their pocket and she has found that by being able to include all the additional notes, packing tips and extra value add information that she spends less time answering pre-holiday questions, as the client has everything they need already.   


As travel has evolved and last-minute changes become more of a norm now, she also finds the in-app messaging to be very useful to be in direct communication with her clients while they are travelling.


Vamoos and Wetu increase rebooking


She also enjoys the Storyboard feature where she likes to create a visually attractive itinerary that is also very practical and interactive.    Daphne shares that she had initially been a little unsure how using an app would affect her very personalised service to her clients.  And she has been pleasantly surprised to see that Vamoos has been able to help her take her service to the next level, while also increasing her rebooking rates.


“Using both platforms together has increased my conversions and saves precious time, allowing me to focus where my business needs me the most.”

Daphne Wijnveldt, Fleewinter


Sign up and save


Why not try this for your business and see how collaborating with both Wetu and Vamoos can help you to save time, increase conversions and grow your business.   Hear from a panel of luxury travel experts from AITO discussing how Vamoos works for them from booking to boarding.

Get in touch with us today for a free demo on how Vamoos can help your travel business digitally take the next steps.  Or sign up for a free trial here.  We would love to share more with you.


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