“Vamoos provides so much information to guests they wouldn’t necessarily otherwise have. They appreciate the extra information, and a lot of people have said to us that it’s increased their anticipation and excitement about visiting.”

There’s nothing guests like more than knowing all the exciting things that are in store for them at your hotel. That’s what Belgium’s Indrani Lodge has discovered since getting the Vamoos app. 


Build Guest Anticipation

“Vamoos provides so much information to guests they wouldn’t necessarily otherwise have,” says Indrani Lodge co-owner Jessica Heynis. “They appreciate the extra information, and a lot of people have said to us that it’s increased their anticipation and excitement about visiting.”

That’s because guests can immerse themselves in everything you have to offer from the moment they book. So whether it’s your room photos, your restaurant menu, or your daily activities, there’s plenty to get excited about.


Free Up Staff Time

Another bonus of providing guests with all the information they could want is that staff don’t have to answer every last question anymore, freeing them up to focus on the things technology can’t do. 

Jessica explains: “What we’ve noticed is, once we’ve given guests the app, we never hear from them again…There’s so much information in the app it often negates the need for face-to-face contact.”


Retain Personal Touch

But that does not mean that the all-important interaction between guests and staff disappears. Through features like messaging and notifications, Vamoos actually enhances your ability to look after guests.

“Vamoos helps people feel connected and informed and safe and contained,” says Jessica, “but without completely removing the personal aspect.”


Click here to try it out, or get in touch at [email protected].