Property Type

  • Self Catered*
  • Guesthouse/B&B*
  • Hotel
  • Hotel
  • Hotel
  • Hotel

    Room Numbers

  • 1-5
  • 1-20
  • 1-19
  • 20-49
  • 50-99
  • 100-499

    Room Numbers

  • 1-5
  • 1-20
  • 1-19
  • 20-49
  • 50-99
  • 100-499

    Room Numbers

  • 1-5
  • 1-20
  • 1-19
  • 20-49
  • 50-99
  • 100-499

    Room Numbers

  • 1-5
  • 1-20
  • 1-19
  • 20-49
  • 50-99
  • 100-499

    Vamoos Pro
    monthly cost, excl. VAT ($)

  • $21
  • $52
  • $112
  • $220
  • $450
  • $675

    Vamoos Pro
    monthly cost, excl. VAT (£)

  • £11
  • £28
  • £60
  • £120
  • £240
  • £360

    Vamoos Pro
    monthly cost, excl. VAT ($)

  • $14.50
  • $36
  • $78
  • $155
  • $310
  • $465

    Vamoos Pro
    monthly cost, excl. VAT (€)

  • €12.50
  • €33
  • €72
  • €144
  • €288
  • €432

Prices exclude VAT. 10% discount applied if the subscription is paid annually

*Self-catering properties larger than five bedrooms priced as Guesthouse/B&B.
Guesthouse/B&B defined as less than 20 bedrooms without non-resident restaurant.

Subscription Features

  • Branding
  • Gallery
  • Basic Info
  • Contact Details
  • Maps
  • Weather
  • Free Vamoos VIP Account
  • Connection to exclusive travel company network
  • Directory - Text, Image & Video
  • Discount Vouchers
  • Points of Interest
  • Daily Activities
  • Feedback
  • Do Not Disturb
  • Countdown
  • Digital Check-In/Check-Out
  • Messaging system
  • Notifications
  • Booking Capabilities
  • Inspirations
  • Publisher for Room Guide
  • Social Links


As well as giving all guests access to your app, you can use your free ‘Vamoos VIP’ account to provide a concierge service for VIP guests including: Document folder, flight info and alerts, a diary for their stay, and a full day by day itinerary. Available for every Vamoos account.

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