Vamoos uses maps both to inform users and to illustrate where they will be going on their trip. Maps are a great way to build excitement for a trip and provide vital information, even when the user is offline.


Adding a Location 

To add a Location to a Trip, use the Google Maps integrated Search Bar. Once found, press “Add Location”


Top Tip:

If you cannot find a certain location, or you want to direct to exact coordinates, find the coordinates in Google Maps and add the coordinates instead when creating a new location in the “Latitude and Longitude” box.

Once you have added or edited a location, be sure to press “Save” at the top of the page.


Location Features

For each location you can:



Changing the Order of Locations

On the map the Locations are numbered so clients can easily map out their trip and see where their holiday will take them.





Changes often happen, so it is very easy to change the Location order on the map.

Use the Drag and Drop button by the Location you wish to move and change the order.

If you have any further questions about this section of Vamoos, you can reach our support team on [email protected]. Or, take a look at our video library for further support!